May 31, 2010

This is not a pipe!

no, it's not a pipe! It was a night I spent with my friends at the plaza of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA). It was my first time to experience a shooting of a movie; the cameras, lightning, cast and a director chair. There was no director chair! The film is called "This is not a pipe", one of the Plaza films produced by the BAs' Plaza Project Fund and directed by an amateur director. It will be displayed at the BA in the next couple of months. It was fun and I took some photos with my cam.

My first blog :)

Oh I finally did it! :) I think blogging is very interesting because you can express your ideas to everyone and let the world hear you. Thanks to my friend David Hayes for his encouragement for me last night. I hope my blog will be enjoyable and able to deliver interesting ideas to the world and everyone who reads it. Enjoy.