May 31, 2010

My first blog :)

Oh I finally did it! :) I think blogging is very interesting because you can express your ideas to everyone and let the world hear you. Thanks to my friend David Hayes for his encouragement for me last night. I hope my blog will be enjoyable and able to deliver interesting ideas to the world and everyone who reads it. Enjoy.


Gogi said...

Congratulations my friend , although I know that u won't find anything interesting to write :P , but good work anyway :D

NaDa said...

yayyyyyyyy :D congratz..let's see how creative u r :P

Anonymous said...


jumana said...

Felicitations mon ami ;)

David said...

Go for it and remember just say it and dont worry about how it turns out and keep them fairly short. Break up long ones if you end up getting really inspired. Write what ever comes to mind, interests, passions, experiences etc.